I want to spend some time on that until we talk about-- before we talk about development of the polio vaccine.
Knowing what you know now, any concerns about taking the oral polio vaccine instead of getting the shot?
In the Sabin vaccine, or the oral polio vaccine, now you have a non-virulent virus.
An oral polio vaccine was developed by a man named Sabin.
He produced an oral polio vaccine from an attenuated virus.
Now, the polio vaccine that Salk produced was very effective, but it required a fairly large dose of the vaccine and it had to be injected into the arms of children.
That's another advantage of the oral polio vaccine.
The Salk Vaccine is also called the Killed Polio Vaccine, and some people call it KPV, also sometimes called Inactivated Polio Vaccine, IPV, but this is the vaccine I just talked about produced by Salk.
索尔克氏疫苗也叫灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗,有人将其简称为KPV 有时也被称作,失活脊髓灰质炎疫苗,简称IPV,这个疫苗由索尔克研发,刚才讲过他
So, some of these cases were probably due to polio that was transmitted by incompletely killed virus that was present in the vaccine.
Let's talk about the polio virus vaccine, keeping those things in mind.
This was of great concern because the number of polio cases shouldn't go up as the vaccine is being even more actively distributed through the country, so what happened?
In particular, we're going to focus in the beginning, on polio virus, which is another great success story, but where a very different approach to vaccine development was used.
We want to talk about that same concept today in terms of polio, which is a vaccine that is both made and manufactured in a different way than the smallpox vaccine.
Two is it gives you some sense for how concerned parents were about the risks of polio in the community and how much they wanted a vaccine to be developed, such that they gave permission for their children to enter into this trial.