There is no one-size-fits-all model of political life but good regimes may come in a variety of forms.
But just how does that kind of knowledge help us deal with the constant ebb and flow of political life?
This political life came to be shared by a relatively large portion of the people and participation of political life was highly valued by the Greeks.
It seems like it's not a news flash that religion is playing an extremely important part in our public square conversations, in our political life, in how we are making decisions on questions of poverty.
To make life easy, we're going to assume that this political spectrum has ten positions.
简单点说,一系列政治主张中 共有10个立场
And what he does and what his work does is basically explain why people choose to back one political party versus the other; why they choose to live one kind of life versus the other.
I'm going to talk about the centralization of the French State and the question of why Paris--and that's kind of fun to talk about- and the role of Paris in centralization, and the particular role of Paris in French economic, political, social and cultural life.
一是讲法国政府的集权化统治,还有巴黎为什么 谈论这个很有意思,巴黎在中央集权政府中的地位,以及其在法国经济,社会,文化领域中的地位
But what does he mean by or what do I mean by referring to his policies of abstention ? from political life?
He was the first to give some kind of conceptual rigor to the vocabulary of political life.
What kind of citizen is it, is he or she who abstains from, maybe even rejects, the harsh necessities, ? requirements of political life?
I would even say the necessary and inevitable conflict between the freedom of the mind and the requirements of political life.
From its very beginnings philosophy and the city philosophy and political life have stood in a sort of tension with one another.
His works seem less theoretical constructing abstract models of political life than advice-giving, in the sense of serving as a sort of civic-minded arbiter of public disputes.
In this way, for the first time, political life really was invented.
It is a pre-social,a pre-political life.
Are these two things are these two goods as it were freedom of mind and political life ? are they compatible or are they necessarily ? at odds with one another?
It is the philosopher's reliance on his own reason that frees him from the dangerous authority of the state and safeguards the individual from complicity in the injustice and evils that seem to be a necessary part of political life.
To say it's natural for us to do so is not to say we engage in political life spontaneously and avidly, as you might say spiders spin webs or ants build anthills.
At no other point in the Republic, I think, do we see so clearly the tension between philosophical reflectiveness. on the one hand, in the sense of camaraderie, mutuality and esprit de corps necessary for political life on the other.
The one point of view takes the philosophic life, the examined life, to be the one most worth living; the other takes the political life, the life of the citizen engaged in the business of deliberating, legislating, making war and peace as the highest calling for a human being.
Because only by participating in political life do we achieve, can we acquire the excellences or the virtues, as he says, that make us what we are, that fulfill our telos or fulfill our perfection.
He spent the rest of his long life working on scientific and political problems.
Socrates' disillusion of that very framework,challenges, it seems to me, the very possibility of political life by questioning the question or the distinction between friend and enemy.
In both of these cases, I take it, Socrates' point is that his own individual moral integrity stands as a kind of litmus test, you might say, for whether to engage or disengage from political life.