And Moses admonishes the Israelites not to suppose that their inheritance of the land of Canaan is due to their own powers, or on account of any righteousness or virtue that they possess.
It's one of the purposes of this poem to allow Milton to grow out of his infancy, to incarnate or to put actually into words the talent that he believes himself to possess.
In it he asks "What is the intellectual quality that successful statesmen possess that distinguishes their knowledge "? from all other forms of rationality and knowledge?"
To what extent are things the result of the genes we possess?
So don't be tempted--Moses later warns the Israelites -don't be tempted to say to yourselves , "My own power and the might of my own hand have won this wealth for me," or again, to say in Deuteronomy 9:4, "The Lord has enabled us to possess this land because of our virtues."
So it lets you do a profile of not just the genes that you possess, for example, but what genes are actually being used to make proteins in the cells that surround the fluid where this was collected.
Then,the first time you get a list by any Christian that we still possess,that is extant, that survives,that has the twenty-seven books of the New Testament that is in our bible,is in the year 367.
The gentleman may lack the speculative intelligence of a Socrates but he will possess that quality of practical rationality of practical judgment necessary for the administration of affairs.
In addition Aristotle tells us such a person will possess beautiful but useless things suggesting the possession not only of wealth but of a kind of cultivated aesthetic sense.
So, if those are the distinctive characteristics that earn the human being certain rights over creation But also give them duties towards creation, And the human is distinct from animals In being created in the image of God, To be godlike is to perhaps possess some of these characteristics.
To be a political animal means first to possess speech or reason that allows us to participate in a community or a way of life governed by shared standards of justice and injustice.