His resentment over his powerlessness within the family seethes in this moment, and he thinks of a way to get back at his father.
.. And so it's a kind of--; So, it is indeed a fact of our powerlessness that we're stuck with the necessities.
The sense of powerlessness, the most profound sense of powerlessness, suggested already by the first episode where his mother almost takes back the life she gave him, is rooted in the family.
This sheer powerlessness about this central fact " about the nature of my existence " is an extra insult added to the injury."
Try feeling upset at your powerlessness to change the fact that two plus two equals four.
And whew! She's flying off the roof with anger, chasing him around the house trying to whip him with a wet towel, so on and so forth: a very dramatic scene again of powerlessness within the family, of being the victim of violence within the family.