Why does he go against the traditional Ancient Near Eastern practice of primogeniture, inheritance by the first born?
So mostly it's just work and practice and a lot of fun with my friends, but it's pretty normal.
For both John of the book of Revelation and for John Milton, it's the superior male of the species that's been singled out for the glorious practice of sexual abstinence.
So, that was the start of the modern practice of vaccination.
He would also regard the peculiar American practice of elections rather than the Greek practice of appointing political offices by lot.
It's a problem, as you'll see, designed to give you some practice at dealing with some of the, dare I say, more theoretical concepts we've covered in class.
So they're optional, but they're very, very, very highly encouraged that you do these, because this is going to give you practice for the types of problems that are going to be on the exam.
She was a Catholic, and she very much made her Catholicism at the center of all the things that she said about her fictional practice.
You can see the website if you want to download a copy of this to practice on it.
The idea of dividing a company up into shares and selling them off, but in practice it involves a lot of complexities.
I assume that those problems are not that difficult and I've given you a lot of practice.
That in the matter of honor these men practice delicacies and refinements unknown in the North.
and what is a good practice to do is help develop your ideas of the things - set your intentions,
And it is also said if you had a spiritual practice feel, you have the practice of praying, or any other kind of spiritual practice, take it outside sometimes.
The decay of Christian belief and practice is not a loss but rather an opportunity for poetry, in Crane.
Now for thinking about the application or that putting the content into practice, we put a great deal of emphasis on that.