And so, arguably, the fact that life is precious, that it won't endure, could actually increase its value for us.
And he refers to it as "my justice," "my statutes," no one should rescind them. "My inscribed stela," "my precious words." Do not alter the law of the land which "I" enacted; I, I, I throughout.
This is the pulsating vehicle for his precious theology of free will and for his politics of liberty.
It is underpopulated right now, so if you are still shopping for a humanities subject, this one bears the precious CI-H designation.
Many of us think that given the valuable and precious thing that life is, suicide makes no sense.
And we're ordering them into war, without looking at all the other ways we could achieve our objectives, and without recgnising the precious values of those lifes.
Every day is precious to try.
And isn't that clear already from their colors, the material that they're made of Gold and silver, these colors marked them as fashioned, precious objects, inorganic, and in all these ways beyond time and nature, growth or decay.
They think their children are precious and wonderful.
So, we are talking about a wealthy group, and of course, the thing that struck Schliemann almost amazingly was that in the circle of graves that we've been talking about, he found all kinds of precious things buried.
There seems to be something to that and yet Hobbes certainly regards life as a precious good, perhaps the most precious good of all, and he writes with a lively sense of how fragile and endangered life is.
It makes our life fragile, ephemeral, and as a result of that, more precious.
It's precious.
To the broody hen, the notion would probably seem monstrous that there should be a creature in the world to whom a nestful of eggs was not utterly fascinating and precious and never to be too-much-sat-upon object which it is to her.
Like I said, with the most valuable resource being the president's time, a lot of efficiently running White House time is spent on how to allocate that precious resource.
It's perfectly fine, but they envy us for our finite lifespans, because what we've got and they don't have is something that's for each individual rare-- something that's not lasting, something that's precious in that way.