Some people prefer only taking the courses that they want to take. What do you think of that?
Now I suppose it's my reluctance to get into the intricacies of questions having to do with applied theory that makes me prefer to keep it simple.
That belief in Christ is to some a matter of life and death has been a stumbling block for readers who would prefer to think it a matter of no great consequence.
Two of them. -Between the two of them, which one do you prefer, which one do you think is Welles's better work?
In fact what you might prefer to do is start insulin production and we'll talk about ways to do that in just a minute.
But if you're comfortable with it, it's the name that I prefer to be called by.
I'd prefer to make it out of platinum if I had my way.
And my bet is when they chose the stickers they had a pretty good sense of why, of which ones the boys would prefer in those studies.
But once having been cultivated and educated, people will see, not only see the difference between higher and lower pleasures, but will actually prefer the higher to the lower.
Is there any particular reason that you prefer living in San Francisco to other places?
Now, these comments, frankly, are brain-damaged, or computationally challenged if you prefer.
He would prefer to go by sea, if possible, because it's much quicker, but at least he could travel on the roads that the Romans built and maintained.
Could you tell us which you prefer more: working alone or working in a team?
So I prefer walking if I can, just because I feel more in charge.
You can discuss with your friend where he or she would prefer to go.
First of all, I do prefer that you attend lecture.
I will be also making them available at Allegra for people who would like to just purchase them already printed out so you don't do it yourself, but I know some people really prefer to work online--and certainly for the first week of reading, you can get started because it is online.I don't think things will be available at Allegra's until probably tomorrow afternoon.
They, like, a lot of professors prefer to be called by their first names