Toward the end of the discussion just now Victoria challenged the premise of this line of reasoning that's libertarian logic.
The crucial premise since we're giving Plato number one the crucial premise for our purposes is premise number two.
Premise 2: To be a practical idealist, the foundation of it has to be the belief that change is possible.
It accepted the premise that men were what they were and that the state had to control that by various devices.
Again. Basic premise of binary search, or at least we set it up was, imagine I have a sorted list of elements. We get, in a second, to how we're going to get them sorted, and I want to know, is a particular element in that list..
Victoria, are you questioning the fundamental premise of self possession?
But ultimately, everyone agrees I-- that's the premise here, that for the-- if you're comparing two portfolios with the same variance, then you want the one with the higher expected return.
One's from Burger King and one is from KFC, and when I show these to you-- we'll talk a lot about food marketing in the United States, because if you buy the premise that I laid out a few moments ago, that what we consider food and what we consider to taste good is pretty much a total social construction.
So we have to come up--we mortals-- have to come up with some other device, and our device to remember things is to try to write it down because my premise here is, if you can write music down clearly you are hearing it, clearly, and you would have a better chance of remembering it if you could write it down.
And here I mean not merely, well, logically speaking, you know, of course you can reject any premise of any argument.
Give up the conclusion that we've got-- Give up the premise that "We've got free will," it won't follow that we're non-physical.
I want to move on to the fourth premise, one of the most important premises in this course.
And that's the crucial premise or some conclusion for the immortaility of the soul because then Socrates invites us to think about the soul.
And of course,we don't have any good--as far as I can see-- we don't have any good reason to believe that crucial premise.
So Platonic metaphysics gives us premise number one-- that ideas, forms, are eternal and they're non-physical.
Third,premise related to the first is opposed to happiness which is primarily function of external circumstances.
That's the crucial premise, and what I want to say is, as far as I can see there's no good reason to believe number two.
I believe that and why do we need to have it as a basic premise of the course, '?" as opposed to change is illusive?"
Now, number two is not an unfamiliar-- premise number two is not an unfamiliar claim.
So although I don't like, I don't believe the argument is sound-- Premise one doesn't happen to be the premise I myself would want to reject.
Premise two was the incompatibilist claim that, "Nothing subject to determinism has free will."
What about premise number three, "All purely physical systems are subject to determinism."
First of all, as I just noted, the argument needs premise number one.
And of course, if that's true, then premise three is false.
That is to say, I do think premise one is true.
While I'm busy pointing out ways in which the argument doesn't succeed, I also want to just take a moment and mention that premise two is also subject to criticism.
Well, we said, look, first claim, first premise.
should we conclude therefore, given that we've got the premise, "If you can't picture it or imagine it, then you can't believe in it," since I've just said, look, you can't imagine being dead, but that's not due to any failure of imagination, that's because there's nothing there to imagine or picture.