We're prevented from rushing to the end of the sentence, or to the end of the poem, because at least as far as the -- well, you can understand why.
She was paralyzed in speech just as she was prevented from even moving.
Banks, as I say, are with us to stay; we just have to improve our regulation and disclosure requirements so that banks can be prevented from taking unnecessary risks.
And yet, their subconscious mind limited them, prevented them from breaking that barrier that happened to be not a physical barrier as doctors, physiologists and scientists had claimed.
We're continually being prevented from reading the text to get to the end.
with thy humble ode," he's also saying that the wise men should be prevented from making it to the manger at all, that somehow the wise men need to be headed off at the pass and precluded from presenting any gifts to the Infant God that may compete with the so-called humble ode of John Milton.