If you wanted to have a real frame, then you would index to the consumer price index or some other inflation index.
The red line is the Halifax Home Price Index for greater London we're talking UK now.
They're both deflated by the Consumer Price Index or, in the case of the UK, the Retail Price Index to give us a real home price.
Here, the blue line is the Case-Shiller Home Price Index for greater Boston.
Now, what happened was the U.S. Government-- or the Massachusetts Government--had created high inflation during the war and nobody wanted to lend money to it so they create here a price index.
To my surprise, nobody had before created a hundred-year long home price index, which seems surprising to me because the long history of home prices seems like a relevant fact; we want to know what markets do.
It says the price index contained this amount of beef, this amount of sheep wool, this amount of sole leather, and this amount of corn; that was the first consumer price index ever used for financial contracts.
Now there was inflation with regard to a basket of the Consumer Price Index is not just the price of gold; it's the price of many things but the there would be inflation or deflation as the relative price of gold changed.
We now have something else called the Consumer Price Index.
In essence, this collapse in stock prices -the one-day collapse in stock prices -I think in the U.S. The price was, depending on which index you were looking at, were down 21-22% in a single day.