The Hebrew word for "common" is sometimes translated by the English word "profane." That has a negative connotation in English, but in fact it really doesn't bear that negative connotation.
They talked about the real world that is outside, that is dirty,impure,profane versus academia, which is lofty,idealistic,sacred.
The points of view, again, are those of the sacred and profane, the soul and the body, the promise of a heavenly mansion, and the reality of a life lived in a foul sty.
And again, as a result of this, Elliot was not struck blind or deaf or retarded, and he didn't become the sort of profane character that Phineas Gage became, but he lost the ability to prioritize.
We use it differently now. But the fact is that the common or profane state is the natural default state of most objects and things. This table is just profane. It's common.
Sacrifice was offered only on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, which meant that slaughter of animals for meat in the countryside no longer has a sacral component to it. It's just ordinary, common, profane slaughter.
There are ordinary, common, profane days, work days.
So it becomes both impure and profane.
Sacred versus the profane.
Profane simply means not holy; not sacred.
And we identify this work as Priestly because it deals with matters that were of special concern to and under the jurisdiction of priests: the sanctuary, its cultic rituals, the system of sacrifices, the distinction between the holy and the profane and the pure and the impure.