As I've suggested before, his more conservative contemporaries were appalled by the proliferation of religious sects in mid-seventeenth-century England.
So I took this little interaction as sort of progress milestone in the proliferation of internet video.
The fact of the proliferation of possible perspectives is just as important, and I would think it's actually even more important, as any single seemingly proper perspective.
Since the 1990s, we've seen a proliferation of new kinds of mortgages that especially are offered to low-income people by certain lenders.
But, at the mean time, of cource, we've seen nuclear proliferation in North Korea and now in Iran.
This process of cell proliferation or cell division is, of course, very important during development of an embryo.
You say, "Why shouldn't I fear the proliferation of meaning?
The proliferation of religious texts and the proliferation of religious sects produced what was widely seen to be a potentially anarchic political situation in the early 1640s.
What I want you to remember now is that abundant cell proliferation takes place during development.
And suddenly there are dozens and dozens of competing expressions of religious truth, and so you have a new proliferation of new religions and new religious ideas that comes about as the immediate product of the freedom of the press.
I just wanted to talk about one last concept and that has to do with cell proliferation.
So, reproduction, proliferation, cell growth happens and then those cells become more differentiated.
所以 繁殖 扩增 细胞开始生长,然后这些细胞开始分化
there are terrorism that works, there are nuclear proliferation as I said.
It involves proliferation, which we talked about last week.
它包含增殖 这个过程上周讲过
Cell proliferation is a huge issue in cell culture.