Schindler in the Holocaust, and then the other guy, in and I can't pronounce his name Rusesabagina, in Rwanda.
How do they pronounce words? What are the rhythmic structures of how they speak?
The actual fluctuation of your voice isn't something that's taught, but what they teach you is how to pronounce the letters properly, and rules that go along with the letters.
Only in New York, in Canada we pronounce it Palindrome.
One that leaps to mind is-- how do they pronounce it in Turkish?
And who's going to pronounce this?
Is that how you pronounce that?
- We know from Wednesday if -- briefly -- that there's this thing called a "char" or "char," depending on how you want to pronounce it, which is just a single character but where there's also an int.
So defamiliarization, against the backdrop of a kind of gray uniformity that Jakobson in his essay on byt "The Generation that Squandered its Poets" called "byt"-- I don't know how to pronounce that.
It's the term you see up here. It should be also on that sheet, Tanakh, which is really the letter "t", "n" and "kh", and they've put little "a's" in there to make it easy to pronounce, because kh is hard to pronounce, so Tanach. Okay?
And of course the all important question even though political philosophers and political scientists rarely pronounce it ? namely quid sit deus what is God? Does he exist?
His first treatise, a book called De Cive, or De Cive, depending on how you pronounce it, On the Citizen, was published in 1642, and it was a kind of draft version of Leviathan that was published almost a decade later, again in 1651.