Sabrina Just briefly, a supernatural figure, the nymph: it looks like Sabrina Sabrineah , but it was likely pronounced Sabrina .
Now one of the moments in which this tension between virginity and chastity seems to be most pronounced is in the encounter between Comus and the Lady that we looked at in the last class.
One aspect of their language which maybe you've noticed in On the Road--it's not quite so pronounced in On the Road as it is elsewhere, certainly--in the letters that these figures write to each other.
We don't really know how it's pronounced; I'm guessing at Yahweh, and that is a proper name for God, and in your translation that would be translated as "LORD" in small caps.
Her name is pronounced Cansu so she will appreciate your keeping that in mind when you say hello to her in person, Cansu being our head TF.