We'll get into the proper or at least more systematic business of the course when we turn to hermeneutics next week.
Patience versus short term results and you actually want to have both of those in proper balances, and we're always kind of struggling.
It's not just that Satan or the moon or whatever it is that we're looking at seems indeterminate until we get a proper look at it.
Each of these waves is regarded as in some way necessary for the proper construction of a just city.
The proper way to draw a vector is to draw an arrow that's got a beginning and it's got an end.
And the central idea is that there is one proper response to God's mighty acts on behalf of Israel, and that is resolute observance of the book of the Torah of Moses, without intermingling with the peoples that remain.
But now, I want to look at what happens when things are not in proper proportion.
That is to say, it is legitimate and proper to search for pleasure, for each individual to attempt to please himself however he can.
But the fact is that I'm sure there are a few people - - thay may be more than a few in the facility - who do feel that rock and roll is not exactly what one says fit and proper.
But the crucial point for this view is that the proper metaphysical understanding of the mind is to think of it in nonphysical terms, nonmaterial terms.
If we had the proper risk management institutions in place, people would have anticipated this risk and would have made swaps or other arrangements to protect themselves against it.
.. And that's where a lot of...you know if a proper government can try figure out how to increase the revenue intake and then ... how to redistribute...somemore effectively.
This led people to go back and look at the places that were manufacturing the vaccine to make sure that they were all producing vaccine of the proper quality.
So, Galileo here is struggling to get the proper visionary fix on the moon at a point in the day when there are no absolutes.
We can only show proper love and concern for things that are ours, not things that are common.
So given all of the controversies raging around the question of the proper government of the church, and Milton is deeply invested in these matters, Milton feels obliged to do something.