And so as a way of understanding what at this point is really the sheer repetitiveness of this disclaimer, I want to propose a metaphor.
And at the very end, there's like two women, and he was supposed to propose to one of them,
And so with this example here, I thought I'd propose that we consider exactly how you'd go about tackling something like this.
Anybody want to propose another stress in that line? Yes?
Now if the spinal cord is injured, for example, what we propose to do is to tap into the electrical signals associated with individual neurons.
He said I am going to propose a model.
And the answer I propose is the deprivation account.
I propose that we think of Milton at the opening of Lycidas as being stuck, stuck at a particular point in the imagined, the projected or fantasized, trajectory of his career.
And I want to propose to her in Paris, at the garden of Louvre.
And, so you propose that there is no, that this derivative is zero, and that the internal energy is given simply by this quantity.
Aristotle proposes--how does he propose to do this? He proposes a couple of remedies to offset the potentially warlike struggle between various factions.
Of course, as you have guessed, the good reader is the one who has imagination, memory, a dictionary and some artistic sense, which sense I propose to develop in myself and others whenever I have the chance.
So I propose this algorithm, this program, this process for counting people in this room.
So I propose this as a new algorithm for sorting N elements and being 8 in this case or really a thousand in the case of the phonebook, or anything of larger size.
So I want to propose that the literary traditions' renaming of this piece from A Mask to Comus is more than just a slip, or more than just a random shift of terms or of names.
OK, not only did he propose it.
Oh, my god! How are you going to propose to her?