It's not the best form of food in that they're actually very poor in protein, and unfortunately very, very rich in cyanide.
Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone, it's a protein hormone that circulates in all of our bodies and regulates glucose metabolism.
The reason it is so exciting that it's a protein, and it's a protein, this is the structure here, it's a ribbon structure so you can kind of see what it looks like, it's made up of all natural amino acids.
The macro nutrients are the big constituents of food, that's protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
What a kinase enzyme does is that it recognizes this protein, and for example, the tyrosine that's on the protein.
If you could introduce that gene you'd make the chemical, in this case it's a protein called vascular endothelial growth factor.
For some of you that haven't I'll just say that it's a protein, it's 238 amino acids, which means that it's about 1,000, actually more than 1,000 atoms in size, and this protein is fluorescent.
And it's neat to see the glowing jellyfish and think about the fluorescent protein that's in them.
They're making that because you need this protein insulin, it's a hormone, and it's important for sugar metabolism in your body.
Essentially, what they are is it's a protein that spans the membrane of a cell.
You get cystic fibrosis because one protein that's made by your lung epithelium is not expressed properly.
In fact, for insulin, it's not the final version of the protein that comes out of translation.
Well, insulin is a protein, it's produced by cells in the pancreas, it circulates in your blood.
An alternate way is to go to the cell that's making the protein that you want.
Then, your muscle cells would start producing Hepatitis B surface antigen and your immune system recognizing that's a foreign protein would start responding to it.
So if it's not a cell that's going through division you can't use a retrovirus to express the protein.
You could imagine a protein that's existing inside a cell at some level of abundance.
It's a protein that's produced by other cells in the body and when it's enriched in a certain area it stimulates more production of red blood cells.
Often the state of a protein depends on whether it's phosphorylated or not.
That's because every three base pairs describes an amino acid in a protein.
The one that's on the top here is called ligand-gated ion channel and an ion channel is a protein that sits in the surface of a cell.
But that's not all, that protein insulin is made in the form of a long polypeptide that not - that's not always the final version of the protein.
So, a protein that has tyrosine and it has tyrosine in a position such that it's on the outside of the protein and accessible to chemical reaction can be phosphorylated.
For now, just picture it in this simple way as a molecule, usually a protein, that's embedded in the cell membrane and many receptors have a part of them that is extracellular.
I'll use that one as the example because it's a familiar one to most people and you know that the protein insulin is made only in your pancreas and certain cells of the pancreas.
These are two examples I just gave you of introducing genes that affect the life of a cell, either by making it express a protein that it's not making properly that's important to its life, or by intentionally killing a cell by having it express a fatal gene.
DNA goes to RNA, goes to protein, that's it, and that is the way it happens in simple organisms like bacteria.
Those regions that are not are spliced out during RNA processing to form the mRNA transcript that's used to make the protein.