It's only Leviticus that mentions the poor. For Deuteronomy, it's those who really can't provide for themselves: the widow, the orphan and the stranger who may not be able to find employment.
you having to provide for yourself.
You can pick out words that are identical. The purpose of the law is to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty."
And in some recordings Frost then says, "... or somebody'll provide for ya."
And if the government didn't provide for the poor as ten percent as you say through taxation, then we would need more money for police to prevent crime and so, either way, there would be more taxes taken away to provide " what you guys call the necessary things that the government provides.
Agricultural villages will have existed all over the place in the late Stone Age, in the Neolithic Period, as it is known. But there is a difference and the critical difference is that a city contains a number of people who do not provide for their own support.
And he argues that indigent citizens, who are unable to provide for themselves, should not be forced to rely simply upon the private charity of individuals but should be maintained at public expense.
The Romans actually were very pious in the sense that they believed that whatever land they were in, they should provide sacrifices and honors for the local gods, especially the important ones.
And,so,the patronage of the Empire is that he can provide railroads, he can provide money for things, and that further centralizes the state.
And now we aim to try to help provide new treatment for these severely disabled patients.
So, thankfully, C does provide a solution for this, whereby, I can provide a hint, essentially, to the compiler.
Yale also has an art collection, which is worth many billions, but we don't count that as part of the endowment because they will never sell it so it doesn't provide income for us.
or at least one mechanism, I shouldn't say -- the only one-- one mechanism for doing that is going to be to add functions is that it's going to provide both of these things, so the first thing it's going to do is, it's going to let us break up into modules.
This is generally the general introduction of the brain that I wanted to provide, giving the framework for what I'll be talking about later on throughout the course so that I might later on make reference to neurons or neurotransmitters or the cortex or the left hemisphere and you'll sort of have the background to understand what I'm talking about.
More specialization because then you can provide more to the company that you're working for.
Milton's own faculty of memory - this is the idea that I'm going to be floating here - seems to provide something like, or pose a stumbling block or an obstacle for, his attempt to write an original, divinely inspired poem.