They can live there until the death of the high priest, and the death of the high priest symbolically serves to purge or remove the blood guilt or impurity of the accidental homicide.
These are drives that the poem seems to be struggling to keep in check, or that Milton is representing the poem as struggling to keep in check, or to purge in some way.
The land will purge itself of the impurity by vomiting them out.
And because he knew that the past rigors had generated some hatred for Ramiro, to purge the spirits of that people and to gain them entirely to himself, he wishes to show that if any cruelty had been committed, Cesare this had not come from him, from Cesare, but from the harsh nature of his minister.
But the hymn at the same time is something like the process, the process by which Milton is attempting to purge and cleanse his poetic voice and make it a voice that will actually be equal to the extraordinary ambition that he has for it.
Now we've been charting for a couple of weeks now Milton's long-standing project to purge his lips of secular interests and to cleanse his literary consciousness of the tempting influence of secular literary voices, and one of those voices is obviously Shakespeare's.
Sacrifices that purge the sanctuary of ritual impurity, primarily the hatta't, always involve the manipulation of the animal's blood, daubing it on the altar and on Yom Kippur, actually entering the innermost shrine and sprinkling it on the throne of God and the footstool, the ark itself.