From the point of view of the school age of youngsters' population, there are really, I think, two implicit purposes.
The inner electrons are so tightly bound that they are for all intents and purposes, immobilized when it comes to reactivity.
But in practical purposes most of the time, they didn't-- they just mixed these together and they might use different things.
That view's also worth taking seriously in a metaphysics class, but for our purposes, I mention it and put it aside.
In American history our reform crusades have usually had to do with one of several objects or purposes or problems.
After all, even these heroes need communities in which to live for all the various purposes that human beings do.
You, as the instruction designer, have to think of from the point of view of fulfilling both the explicate and the implicit purposes of the educational experience you are creating.
Galileo appears in the simile but actually seems to be unnecessary for the general purposes of the comparison.
Well, for our purposes, both are correct and we'll know how to figure this out on tests.
Eight features of literary modernism: An obsession with the idea of art's autonomy, the idea that art is its own law, that it responds to no other laws, that it has no other purpose than its own purposes.
Essentially for our purposes here, you can just think of it as a conversion factor.
One of the purposes of cell culture is to make many, many more cells under controlled conditions where I can understand what those cells are.
He estimates, for his purposes, and he shows you calculations of the efficient portfolio frontier.
You can use this for nefarious purposes.
In fact, the outcome here, this equilibrium here is for all intents and purposes, the same equilibrium we would have had had there been thousands of firms in the market And had this been a perfectly competitive market.
There are really two purposes in us doing this: one was so you can get a fix on your own eating, and second you can see the challenges that are involved in assessing what people eat when you start doing studies linking diet to health.