OK, so now we've got, taken an electron from that sulfur, put it here, an electron from that sulfur, put it here.
And, furthermore, to put the background in front, 1s2 2s2 2p3 let's do the electronic structure. It is 1s2, 2s2, 2p3.
The poem's great final question concerns that perception: "Did she put on his knowledge with his power"?
I learn of their menu, their hours, whatever they want to put on their receipt they can put there.
Energy can flow across the glass but I put a lid on top, and so the water can't get out.
To enter God's realm requires imitation of God or imitatio dei, right, an idea that I put up here, imitatio dei: imitation of god.
One. And so I put 1 into this box so that's the correction I needed to make from before.
It's always Milton's duty - this is the reason that he was put on this earth: to liberate a people from any such constraining customs.
I wrote it down your notes, if you can put a big star next to it so you don't forget this.
So it's a way of reminding you, I've got to be careful about the types of things that I put in.
Everybody's going to put the cup down and assumes it's going to stay there but not fall to the floor.
So in the partnership game we put efforts on these axis and now I'm going to put quantities on these axis.
Before that, people used to put papers in piles, tie them up in ribbons, and put them on bookshelves or in drawers.
I have a tendency to put upon texts an inherent authority which is stronger, I think, than Derrida is willing to put on them.
The titles of most of the books in the New Testament ; were not put there by their authors; they were put there by later Christian scribes.
And I put this to Voytek, what dollar figure should be put on human life to decide whether to ban the use of cell phones?