As we might put it somewhat misleadingly, what is it for "two" people to really be the same single extended-through-time person?
You've got to put more pressure on one side than the other if you want to push that gas through the throttle, right? So this is where the time scale issue comes into play.
I guess Apollo must have then said, he's reached wisdom and so he sent a rain storm to put the fire out and he lived through that.
We want to put everything through this.
As we get different projects to train people in the UK, to positive psychology in their schools, the people that we draw on are MAPP alumni, because they have the education and foundation that is needed to be able to put through these projects.
About 10 to 15 years later, another physicist, Ernest Rutherford, actually put this plum pudding model to test, Ernest Rutherford and he did it through studies that he'd been doing on radiation that was emitting something called alpha particles.
I'm reminded of the confirmation screen here and that's not too bad, then we put in the card and we click confirm and then finally we see the swap Then finally literally nine steps later the ticket comes out of the machine and then, frankly, had to go through the process of where to put the ticket in the machines.
Before I move on, I'm just going to put on the board another cycle, and I'm going to urge you to work through that on your own.