Another fact is that we are told that when Alexander the Great went out to conquer the Persian Empire, and as far as he was concerned,to conquer everything he could reach, he carried with him a copy of the Iliad which it is alleged he put under his pillow.
He knows that he shouldn't put arsenic under - He shouldn't put arsenic under aluminum.
Notably, I put on the website for March 5th, under our class syllabus, a New York Times article about him entitled, "Curiosity Has Its Merits."
It always necessarily must, as Derrida would say, put this sense of a spatial full presence of everything there as Derrida would say, must put that "under erasure."
Now, the differences here may be subtle in terms of chemical composition or if you put these cells under a microscope and looked at their analysis.
The average society sees them like an etertainment but I think to the directors and writers put a lot more efforts into this and it produced entertaining stories. So all I want to see is more under...and try to understand what that tries to...a couple of those who have.
if you do that under the situation where you've put your plasmid into these micro-organisms then you're going to have little colonies that grow many copies of the bacterial cells.
I put it up on the ClassesV2 not as part of the reading list but it's under Resources so you can read Kipling.