And we put up this hypothesis that our observation is that octet stability seems to be an attractive electron configuration.
So we spent the Christmas holidays exploring the city and seeing the decorations that they have put up.
To enter God's realm requires imitation of God or imitatio dei, right, an idea that I put up here, imitatio dei: imitation of god.
These are roughly... Well, let me put up the payoffs for this game and then I'll explain them.
They might put up an official inscription in an Eastern city in Latin, but they'd almost always, if it was an official inscription, it would also be listed in Greek.
It's not a result that's specific to the one cycle that we put up.
That's the argument I put up on the board at the end of last class.
I am going to put up the most primitive version.
The teaching fellows right after the class will put up on the stage sheets of paper that are broken down by parts of the alphabet, so make sure you have your names on the concept sheet because you're getting grades for these, and then just put them up in the relevant part of the alphabet that you see on the stage.
And similarly, actually, if we're looking at our polar coordinates here, what we see is it's any place where theta is equal to is what's going to put up on the x-y plane.
It sort of drives a lot of our commerce, and so I put up with it.
We've probably had four major periods in American history of there's one other picture I wanted to put up.
Here's the title page, reminding us, again, that this gorgeous Celtic aestheticism is published and put up for sale in London, which is important again.
People put up these big banners "I protect my pretty house, protect my pretty house."
Reference he makes to a comic poet yes a comic poet an unequivocal reference to the playwright Aristophanes whose name I have put up on the board.
Starting at the beginning of the third week of class that is not next week but the week after on each Monday I'm going to put up a brief question or set of questions, which you have to answer and your answers need to be sent to your teaching fellow.