So within this relatively tiny area there are radically diverse regions, and this fact held important implications for Israel's history.
So they radically, radically limited it. They have not eliminated it.
But what if you are able to find identical twins who were separated at birth, and reared in radically different environments.
If you are expressing an opinion, in other words, which differs radically from my own, I can't understand, according to Gadamer, whether or not you're being ironic.
According to this view, man is not merely the measure of all things as the Greek Sophist Protagoras had radically proclaimed in the fifth century.
The moon was compared to Satan's shield, and Milton was preparing us then for this radically ambiguous status of this providential moon.
So, the neural structures change radically as babies kind of get rid of excess neurons through development.
Until we get, of course, this is early days, until we get to the Peloponnesian War when things change radically in fighting in general, but this is your standard. Yes sir?
He argued that monotheism and polytheism are so radically distinct that one could not possibly have evolved from the other.
That is a radically different approach than studying just the average.
And archaeology supports this picture of merging of peoples, a picture of the merging of peoples, rather than conquest or even large-scale immigration, because the new settlements in this period show such continuity with the past, not a complete break, not the initiation of something radically new.