Let me just raise one more issue.
Well a calorie technically--and this is again, not something that we would ever quiz you on but I just thought you might be interested to know-- that it's the energy required to raise one gram of water one degree centigrade, and we'll talk in a minute about you might go about measuring that.
Why don't we have you, when the time comes, raise your hand if you're supposed to be representing a one?
Anybody who doesn't have it please raise your hand and one of the teaching fellows will bring it to you.
You see the difference in electronegativity, square it, multiply it by one-quarter and raise that to the power e.
One can, of course, as you've already imagined, raise several objections to this view and again Aristotle seems to take the lead.
Let's listen to John Kander sit on one pitch level and then suddenly raise the whole thing up.
Can anyone not see it? Does anyone need -- actually I can't even tell if you raise your hand. So ask your neighbor if you can't see it and get one of the plates if you're having trouble seeing with the glasses. So this should match up with the spectrum that we saw.
If you don't have this piece of paper and you want to participate, please raise your hand and one of the teaching fellows will bring it to you.
A kilocalorie, and this is really what we--when people talk about calories, how many calories in food, it's really kilocalories that they're referring to, but that would be the energy required to raise a kilogram of water one degree centigrade.