It deconvolves that reaction of sodium plus chlorine into elementary steps that are related to electron transfer and acquisition.
OK, so what we have to do is get back underneath this reaction, and see what the molar quantities are.
That's the set up. We're going to run the reactants, the reaction. The reactants are going to turn into products.
So if we have a negative change in energy for any reaction as it's written, what that actually means is we're giving off energy as the reaction proceeds.
This textbook is very detailed and it may be-- I've had some reaction by students-- more than you wanted to know.
When you want a point particle, if you wake up and find a point particle on your bed, what's your reaction?
And the violence, I think, of this reaction is due in large part to our tendency to think of Milton and of Milton's work in terms of the category of power.
They bind sometimes better than the natural ligand does, but they don't create the right biological reaction.
What we have in humanistic psychology is essentially a reaction to the existing psychologies of the time.
and democratic country. And then in the sense it's hard to imagine that there will not be a reaction to the inequitable growth process.
Well, as I say, there seems to be something amiss about that reaction.
However, the thing to remember is, when you look at heats of reaction under those conditions it's all well and good.
We talked about this reaction here where we had chloride ion in the gas phase plus sodium ion in the gas phase.
I can take an insulated box, and I can have a chemical reaction in that insulated box.
If I charged the reactor in this manner, and of course I'm assuming 100% completion of the reaction which we know is overly optimistic.
But, I think what most of you, actually having MIT come to MIT, have probably realized is sometimes it's nice to major in a science, because you can't just pick up a reaction and do it in your kitchen on the weekend, where as you can sometimes join a book group and do that.