Notice the difference. The recipe, the sequence of instructions, is actually getting read in, and it's treated just like data.
I mean, I can tell you about something really cool that I recently read in Herodotus,
First of all, having read in that value, I can check to see, is it of the right type?
I think of that story that all of you have probably read in school, The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien.
You read in the newspaper their interpretation of what's going to be said and so far the other rating agencies haven't; they're not saying anything.
And what this is, is that if you want to take the section in French, you should have about an equivalent of 130, and the discussion's in French and a couple of the books-- I'll talk about them in a minute-- you can read in French, the others you read in English.
这个就是说,你要是想用法语授课,你的法语得有130分左右的水平,课堂讨论是用法语还有一些书,我马上要说到那些书 你可以看法语版的,其他人可以看英语版的
All right. So you probably read in the book that the bassoon is a double reed instrument, and so just to show you what that looks like-- You've probably seen it but if you haven't, two pieces of wood vibrate together when I blow through them.
which I thought was a really important play to read in high school.
The genetic code is said to be degenerate because I can read in one direction.
That's why she produced story after story after story that can be read in these formal ways with these symbols that accrue meaning and deepen and change over the course of the novel or the story.
So, here's something; here's a first guess I read in a neuroscience textbook.
But what I really have to teach is not going to be based on what you might read in textbook or a great work of technical film studies, you gonna write paper about that, but what to do to get most of the meanings you have to read these books.
When we read the flood story in Genesis 6 through 9, we're often struck by the very odd literary style.
So when you go home today or some time this weekend, make sure you read this page in detail.
I asked each of them to bring a book that had informed that question for them, inside or outside of the classroom that they had read or what in Princeton.
So as the particles on the disk that get the current in the read/write head moving put together millions of these magnetized segments and you've got a file.