If you want to control a program file, open, copy, paste not get me ready for my trip to Stanford.
I'm not really ready for the work now, you know, so.
Here, this guy looks like kind of an overweight NFL player who hasn't really gotten ready for the drill.
Each test comes in advance with a prep sheet telling you how to get ready for that particular test.
if we move up one of our electrons into an empty p orbital, what were going to see is now we have three unpaired electrons that are ready for bonding.
So God is repeatedly testing and correcting the Israelites until they are ready for the Promised Land.
so I can be ready for that picture
Are you ready for your next pattern?
We're ready for the first law. We're just going to go to through these laws pretty quickly here.
At the time, they were getting ready for the Olympics in Nagano so we were able to also tie in some information about the Olympics as well.
I'm going to ask you to fill out some forms" "but first, to get ready for this experiment, " I'd like you to get on this treadmill and run for ten minutes."
How ready can we be for this kind of endeavor, or is this something that really has to come at its own pace?
The god told Virgil that he wasn't ready yet for the manly, the adult, and the public world, the important world, of epic poetry.
But in general, for each neurotransmitter that released it there would only be one population of receptors that's ready to receive it.
In other words, I think of something and that thinking of something corresponds to a sound image that I have ready to hand for it.
Let me come down hazardously off this stage, and figure out-- Let's get the mics up a bit for a second, we can get some mics ready.