They're actively engaged in the material, actually seeing the phenomena, by making measurements of real world experiments.
and you know, separate the video game world from the real world.
And so, in the real world frankly, these kinds of questions, how much time is this gonna take is certainly germane.
If you want a real world example of this, think about the third Century B.C., someone can correct me afterwards.
They talked about the real world that is outside, that is dirty,impure,profane versus academia, which is lofty,idealistic,sacred.
In the real world, it's often not desirable to say that I have a point here, and a point here, therefore the next point will surely be here.
And that you can't do, because in the real world of course Shelly and Kagan pick out just two different names of this very same thing.
In the real world we don't have the problem that assets are independent.
Also, you'll notice that the size of the body part represented in the brain does not correspond to the size of the body part in the real world.
They're not actually present in the real world of Milton's hell, or if it's a pagan god who's mentioned, Milton will tell us that the pagan god was just an early manifestation of one of the fallen angels.
We don't have to make up our minds in advance whether it was a real world or a completely fantastic one, but at least let's see if we can describe what world it looks like.
Building real world educational source ware And communications technologies And applying them with actual learners.
I'd like also to get out into the real world,
In the real world, no one's going to measure it instantaneously, but we can make the difference as small as we like.
What's the relationship between fiction and what we all experience as the real world?
there's really no substitute for seeing real world experience,