Is Milton powerful for the very straightforward reason that he's in possession of this tremendous literary strength, this unimaginable talent?
So we have this anonymous attacker who dismisses Milton's earlier political treatises, especially The Reason of Church Government and other early works.
Helen chose you without reason because she loves you without cause; embrace her without question and watch your weather change. Let go.
Now the reason that is true is because we live in a post-Christian culture, and both aspects of that term are important.
The reason the entropy of the mixed gases is the highest is because that has the most possible configurations.
So I wrote my dissertation on Byron as a result of that-- nothing complicated, no deep reason for doing these things.
So, it's Newtonian mechanics, and the reason for this is because Newtonian mechanics does not work on this very, very small size scale.
The reason why literacy is required of everyone is because we don't live to 200.
The reason I'm going to show you this flow chart, I'm going to do one other example in a second, but I want to show you a comparison.
The reason we picked these two cities we asked realtors- Karl Case, who's my colleague, he teaches at Wellesley College.
And what this means is-- one reason why people are so bad in groups is because you could diffuse your responsibility.
One reason I said there isn't much of this sort is because until recently philosophers did not treat films seriously.
We're exposed to things that might cause cancer where weren't exposed to them before and so that might be a reason.
Is there any good reason to believe that we don't believe that we're going to cease to exist as a person?
The Greeks were, even though they went to sea plenty, they were terrified of the sea for very good reason.
The one represented by Socrates regards reason, that is to say, the sovereign reason of the individual as the highest possible authority.