The martyrs in the Easter Rebellion of 1916 become ancient Irish warriors, and we'll talk about that next time.
He was responsible for writing the first justification for an armed rebellion against a legitimate monarch, the first to publish such a work in, essentially, all of Europe.
That caused a rebellion and they overthrew the kings, and thereafter, the word king was a dirty word in Roman history.
The material tells of God's provision for the people in the desert, but it also tells of the Israelites' constant complaining, and rebellion.
It's a little hard to know what to do with this gazebo. Does it, in fact, represent the nationalist movement that culminated, or one form of which culminated, in the Easter Rebellion?
In a letter in late 1861 from the front, "Will indeed settle the question, for some years at least, as to whether union or secession, the Constitution or rebellion, shall triumph.
Consider the following passage that he writes: "As to rebellion against monarchy, one of the most frequent causes is the reading of the books of policy and history of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
If an ordinary man, not the guy in a white lab coat but an ordinary guy, says, "Hey, keep shocking him, that's okay," you're less likely to do it, and if there is a rebellion, if somebody else rebels and says, "I won't do it," you are much more likely not to do it yourself.
From the ensuing rebellion came limited constitutional representative government and ultimately our modern form of democracy.
He chastises and upbraids the Israelites for their rebellion and failures.
Most of these episodes will occur in the book of Numbers, and they involve the rebellion of the people in some way, generally God's fury in reaction to that rebellion, Moses' intervention usually on behalf of the people, and God's appeasement.
when Miletus starts the Ionian rebellion.