That ligand was one for which the cell had a receptor that further encouraged it to produce more of the ligand.
When they do find the cell they're capable of interacting with the receptor forming some kind of chemical interaction with the receptor.
When they bind, they produce some change in the receptor molecule which is experienced inside the cell.
Depending on which cell you are you would call one the 'receptor' and the other the 'ligand'.
By cell/cell contact, I mean that there's a receptor in one cell that makes some kind of a chemical interaction with a receptor in another cell.
This is, maybe, the strangest because the ligand that stimulates the receptor is produced by the cell itself; so sometimes cells make signals that they receive.
If you think about receptor ligand system as an input into the cell.
Now, one of the advantages of having second messengers is this is one way that you can integrate between different receptor systems that are acting inside a cell.
So, it doesn't need to bind to a receptor on the surface of the cell in order to work because the molecule can actually enter the cell directly.
Now, the other thing to keep in mind is that for any cell there's not just one receptor on the cell, there are thousands, or hundreds of thousands of receptors.
That infection occurs because of a ligand receptor interaction on the cell surface where the virus itself is the ligand and it takes advantage of a receptor that's expressed on the cell surface.
Sometimes second messengers collect signals from a variety of different receptor systems, translate them into one kind of internal change, and the cell then just has to know about that one thing changing.
In this case, a receptor tyrosine kinase is a receptor molecule that binds a ligand at its surface outside the cell and initiates this enzyme activity - this kinase activity - and causes phosphorylation of another molecule.
The cell that's producing the signal produces enough of the molecule so that it enters the bloodstream, it circulates throughout your body, eventually it reaches a cell at a great distance, which has a receptor for that ligand and the signal gets received.
发出信号的细胞产生信号分子,数量十分充足 能够进入到血液中,信号随着血液流遍全身,最终到达较远处的细胞,在这些细胞上有与配体配对的受体,信号被细胞接收
When the ligand is present it binds to the receptor outside the cell and it activates this G-protein.
Immune cells recognize it, and they recognize it by a very special form of receptor-ligand interaction where the ligand is MHC1 with the foreign antigen and the receptor is a receptor called the T-cell receptor complex.