The rainbow is set up as a symbol of the eternal covenant, a token of the eternal reconciliation between the divine and human realms.
How, in other words, can it be put to political purposes if there is this underlying, implicit centrism in this notion of reconciliation, harmonization, and balance?
I guess it's called what the national reconciliation programme? Yes.
You have to learn, in other words, how to get your hands dirty. Between the innocence of the Christian and the worldliness of Machiavelli's new morality, there can be no reconciliation.
However, that all changed in 2003 with the Jobs and Growth Tax Reconciliation Act of 2003, which cut the rate of taxation of dividends to 15%-- the same rate that capital gains are taxed.
The experience of art, the experience of poetry, and the reconciliation of conflicting needs results in a kind of catharsis, a "calm of mind, all passion spent".
It's not just a question of private reconciliation of conflicting needs.
In any war, particularly in this kind of war, reconciliation is something that typically happens very few wars end with total victory or total defeat, usuallly war ends with the parties get tired of or weakened enough.