That's a lot harder of a problem to solve if you need to reconstruct the fragmentation, yeah.
We think we understand when we see the past from a historical standpoint, i.e., place ourselves in the historical situation and seek to reconstruct the historical horizon.
The exception is Plato, where I'll lecture, maybe two lectures, trying to reconstruct Plato's central arguments, at least the arguments relevant to our class.
One is called the twenty-four hour recall and that's either done by a computer, or done by a trained interviewer who would sit down with you and say, 'Let's reconstruct everything you've eaten in the last twenty-four hours.' And so then you have to recollect everything you ate in the last twenty-four hours.
Let's try to reconstruct it in terms of its premises and its conclusions.
What I'm going to do is basically run through my attempt to reconstruct-- my attempt to lay out the basic ideas from this series of four or five arguments that Plato gives us.