To the extent that Lycidas' body has been recovered, that it's been redeemed, Milton is able -- perhaps successfully, Milton is able to justify the ways of God to men.
If this reforms, so the plasmid reforms back to its native state, that resistance will be recovered.
And when a compound is decomposed, the atoms are recovered unchanged.
No traces of desires and memories and intentions and beliefs to eventually be recovered if only we have the right surgery,or procedure,or psychotherapy, or what have you.It's gone.
It was, in some respects, for me anyway, it was harder than the immediate aftermath of 911, because 911 felt like an discrim event, like there was an attack, we recovered, there was a response.
All right,so this is something that's-- If the personality function's been destroyed, can't be recovered,can't be fixed, but the rest of the bodily functioning is still going on.