Some scholars assume there's a historical memory behind the elaborate and dramatic story of a miraculous redemption by God.
His nihilism leads him back to the fact of his redemption, however, which is what he would have liked so much to get away from.
This is Wallace Stevens, Wallace Stevens who said, "Poetry is a means of redemption", and meant it.
God's redemption of the Israelites is a redemption for a purpose, a purpose that doesn't become clear until we get to Sinai, for at Sinai the Israelites will become God's people, bound by a covenant.
What Milton is primarily interested in in his Nativity Ode is the redemption, the promise of what Christ's Nativity will do at some future point for mankind.
I think we're meant to understand that he is so focused on the question of redemption that he fails to see anything else; he fails to see anyone else in his preoccupation with that problem.
We've gotten to this point now: we had this big dramatic scene at the Reed Sea, but the physical redemption of the Israelites is not in fact the end of our story.