Here, divine force reduces to brute power as it does in "The Magi" and "The Second Coming."
the artist doesn't get compensated and it really reduces the ability of the mechanism
And as long as that smaller computation reduces to another smaller computation, eventually I ought to get to the place where I'm down in that base case.
Selection sort too really reduces to a total number of comparisons because I'm again comparing the current smallest to the next thing I see, the next thing, so really a lot of these sorting algorithms boil down to comparisons and the numbers that you actually have to make.
The world would suffer because the damage is substantial and it reduces our ability to produce.
Because when we see that something is just necessary, we-- it reduces the sting of it.
I would say, okay, this guy wants me to find a function which reduces to the number a when I take two derivatives, and I know somewhere here, this result, which says that when I take a derivative, I lose a power of t.
But I want to stress again, as long as I do the base case right and my inductive or recursive step reduces it to a smaller version of the same problem, the code will in fact converge and give me out an answer.
Well, that leakage--that 1.5% or 2% that you pay your hedge fund manager- plus the 20% of profits really reduces the amount of return that's available for the owners of capital.
Against that, however, there are those people who'd want to say, " "No. Actually, the inevitability of my death reduces the badness."
and we like log algorithms, because they're really fast. A typical characteristic of a log algorithm is a pro-- or sorry, an algorithm where it reduces the size of the problem by a constant factor.
Typical characterization, not all the time, but typical characterization, is an algorithm that reduces the size of a problem by one, or by some constant amount each time, is typically an example of a linear algorithm.