When I reflect on the first couple of years of Baidu's operation, I think there are three things that's very critical.
And the accounting unfortunately at that point in general wasn't really able to reflect that difference
Right. I would say as I reflect back on my college experiences and those listening in the audience should know, I graduated from college 45 years ago.
So, according to the expectations theory augmented with liquidity preference-- This strongly upward-sloping term structure in 2003 would reflect two things.
You can be reflect about how you do this, but there is slightly different function that person giving a presentation has.
That is to say, current prices reflect all publicly known information about each stock, and therefore are unbiased.
It doesn't reflect the interests of people who have been wandering around nomadically. It has laws that deal with settled agrarian life.
Those titles that Eikhenbaum keeps talking about -How Don Quixote was Made, How Gogol's Overcoat was Made- reflect the preoccupation of the Russian formalists with how literature is put together.
Well,maybe there's some other interpretation, and I invite you to reflect on the question.
Silence gives us a chance to reflect on what we have said and heard.
The key notion of psychoanalysis is your problems are-- actually reflect deeper phenomena.
There's the performance version of 1634 and the printed version of 1637, and the additions to the text that Milton is making for the published version reflect, I think, his sense that he, like the Lady, is in the process of making an important transition.
And the poem goes on, and this is the tone of a poem. It's a poem of crisis, a poem of a kind of hollow speaker, someone who emerges as, more or less, buried alive. And this is supposed to reflect both personal crisis and a historical crisis.
So let's reflect these two points.
Immanuel Kant described very well the problem with skepticism when he wrote "Skepticism is a resting place for human reason, where it can reflect upon its dogmatic wanderings, but it is no dwelling place for permanent settlement."
We think that anticipation is a powerful evoker of desire, and we think that brain activation can reflect that.