Politics only takes place within the context of the particular. It is only possible within the structure of the regime itself.
Plato here seems to agree with Winston Churchill that democracy is the worst regime except for all the others.
If you use hoplites, your state will be, what he calls a Politea, a moderate regime.
It's in recognition of what we can think of as this time- honored historical irony that Milton writes such a memorable line, a wonderful line, in his sonnet on the new Presbyterian regime.
It seemed to be the regime that divided France least, what Gambetta called the nouvelles couches,or the new social strata, the new social strata,the middle classes,the petty bourgeois.
Is it in the collective memory that people remember three centuries later that the Catholic Church was identified, at least as a hierarchy, with the Vichy Regime in World war II?
到二战时 宗教战争已经过去了三百年,在村民的大众记忆中是否因为等级制度,仍将天主教和二战中的维希政府视为一丘之貉
Rather in many ways he provides reasoned arguments for the strengths and weaknesses of several different regime types.
Those who embark on the quest for knowledge of the best regime may not return the same people that they were before.
From the first, Syracuse is an independent polis, autonomous, self- whatever regime it wants, etc.
Notice in that sentence, he uses those Aristotelian terms, " "form" and "matter" that we spoke about in relation to the Aristotelian regime.
Every regime is an answer consciously or not to the oldest political question of all ? who governs? Who should govern?
The regime constitutes an ethos that is to say a distinctive character that nurtures distinctive human types.
A good citizen of a democracy will not be the good citizen of another kind of regime.
This tension of course between the best regime and any actual regime is the space that makes political philosophy possible.
Second he tells us the political scientist must consider what kind of regime will be best under less than optimal circumstances.
All of these intellectual and moral customs and habits helped to constitute the democratic regime.