The U.S. Is actually an important country for regulation because it has been a model for much of the regulations around the world.
The only reason I believe that we have financial markets that work is because we have regulations.
Now, you may know that New York City and other places around the country have enacted regulations to stop Trans fats being served in restaurants.
They make laws but the laws are not binding on anyone, they're just suggested laws or regulations.
I'm going to give a kind of a history of financial regulations in the United States that makes it rather a simple story.
I'm going to talk primarily about U.S. Regulations and give a little history of them.
A lot of people in the financial community are annoyed by them because these regulations are costly to comply with and they take a lot of resources.
It's an international effort to recommend regulations for countries all over the world.
We have historically developed regulations that deal with these problems.
We need--and there's a lot of talk in Congress right now -we need to think about new regulations that protect individuals, much like the regulations that the HOLC and the FHA made.
It rankles, but on the other hand, these regulations survive because the reality is that people are victimized all the time and we can't just allow companies to act in secrecy.
This is just an example of their regulations.
They have lots of maybe good-- maybe it's not because they're irrational, it's that they're political or they're constrained by tradition or laws or regulations, all sorts of things; but, they're not holding the tangency portfolio.