By contrast, he describes differentiation as a process whereby Israel came to reject its Canaanite roots, and create a separate identity.
So what makes him feel close to home, in a way, has to make him feel close to the religion he's trying to reject.
The Bishop claims one side of debate, Jane claims the other. But unlike the Bishop, she doesn't want to reject the other and this is important.
And it became common to reject any ancient story that wasn't really nailed down very, very firmly by some device.
And here I mean not merely, well, logically speaking, you know, of course you can reject any premise of any argument.
You reject your mother, who's equally unworthy due to her penis lack, and that shapes your psychosexual development.
Until we understand what he meant, we have no reason to either accept or reject his argument.
Maybe you are scared to get rejected; well, I can't reject you, you're too quick for me!
He can reject the beauty of Homer, he can reject the beauty of Virgil, but he can also reject -- and this has got to be an even greater challenge, perhaps -- he can also reject the help of his Christian teacher, Edmund Spenser.
It's a problem if we reject the police-like authority of authors, of whom we may have a certain suspicion on those grounds, when we certainly don't feel that way about Marx and Freud.
But if you want to reject it, you have to break in to this chain of reasoning which goes, taking my earnings is like taking my labor, but taking my labor is making me a slave.
They reject that formalism as an impediment to language's access to the real, and to our access to the real through language.
Since that's obviously the wrong thing to say about the case, we should reject the personality view.
And if we are not willing to accept that implication, it seems as though we need to reject the soul theory of personal identity.
You may choose to embrace dualism, reject the idea that the brain is responsible for mental life, and reject the promise of a scientific psychology.
They reject certain elements But they almost reject them by incorporating them.