• But de Broglie has told us that the wavelength is related to the instant velocity through this formula.


    麻省理工公开课 - 固态化学导论课程节选

  • but that still is... is kind of related to the, to legal fields or to the law.


    在哪都可以实习 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • It's related to the heat capacity, the constant volume of heat capacity and something you could measure.


    麻省理工公开课 - 热力学与动力学课程节选

  • My guess is that our sense of Milton's power, however that power is imagined, is intimately related to the way in which Milton himself represents power in the characters of Satan and of God in Paradise Lost.


    耶鲁公开课 - 弥尔顿课程节选

  • You cannot tell the mass, because what you are doing now is appealing to the notion of mass as something that's related to the pull of the Earth on the object.


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  • It was related to the accident of the Phantom of the Opera. It's been repaired now.


    歌剧魅影 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • While they're technically private companies now, they are still thought to be related to the U.S. Government.


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  • 913 And, he didn't publish anything related to the Lewis structure until about 1912 or 1913.


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  • Third,premise related to the first is opposed to happiness which is primarily function of external circumstances.


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  • And there is a relationship here, and that is that the number of photons absorbed by the metal are related to the number of electrons ejected from the metal. So, in this figure here what I'm actually showing is these little sunshines, which let's say are each one individual photon.


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  • Now this happens to be what we would call a linear process, because the number of times I go around the loop is directly related to the size of the argument. If I double 2 the argument, I'm going to double the number of times I go around the loop. If I increase it by five, 5 I'm going to increase by five the number of times I go around the loop.


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  • Could you explain how the cost of products are related to the cost of advertisements?


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  • Do you have any other special experiences related to the Rockefeller Center?


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  • Other disorders that we'll discuss later on include acquired psychopathy, where damage to parts of your brain, particularly related to the frontal lobes, rob you of the ability to tell right from wrong.


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  • Dakota And this is one of them from 2002 called Dakota, and I think you will see immediately how and why it is related to On the Road.


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  • Like many cells in neurons, the shape of the cell is intimately related to its function within the organism.


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