The only way that we knew how to grow it reliably was to grow it in its natural host: cows.
Obviously, Gadamer refuses to argue that we can distinguish in that way reliably.
But it's only an effective vaccine in the context where you have people who can go to the doctor's office, or to an urgent care, some kind of medical facility, three times, reliably, at a specified period of time.
Though he sometimes does talk about texts that we call "literary," indeed he very often does, nevertheless Derrida's position and the logic of that position suggest that we can't really reliably discriminate among genres.
There's a lot of engineering that we've already talked about in terms of producing quantities of the vaccine, producing it reliably, producing it safe, distributing it, and keeping track requires a level of sophistication that maybe you wouldn't have thought about initially.
It's - a suture or a stitch has to hold the wound closed so it has to have certain mechanical strength and imagine the problem of making something that's dissolvable so it disappears but also is strong enough to hold a wound closed reliably for a length of time.