There's this deep religious tradition that came out of Slave Religion, but there is also a deep anger. -Yes. Yes.
We can talk about "religion-ex" since everybody is spiritually equal, but women and men actually in practice are not equal.
It brought Judean religion closer to monotheism because you have the insistence of worshiping one god in his one central sanctuary.
That's why hermeneutics gradually moved I should say, it didn't desert religion, but it expanded--to the study of the law.
So what makes him feel close to home, in a way, has to make him feel close to the religion he's trying to reject.
Jefferson:"Northerners are cool, sober, laborious, persevering, independent, jealous of their own liberties, chicaning, superstitious, and hypocritical in their religion."
There are no signs or fruit of religion," he says, " "but in man only," he says in chapter 12.
In Stevens, modernity shows us that the truth of religion was always a fiction, a fundamentally poetic construction.
Religion can't be divorced from social, political, and historical contexts and issues.
Some of the sampled denied having any religion at all-- said they have no religion at all.
I think it's also the struggle of a generation trying to enrich the public square with positive conversation about religion.
So Israelite-Judean religion on the ground shared many cultic forms and practices and rituals with Canaanite and Ancient Near Eastern culture generally.
And speaking in turn to the arden secularists to say religion should have no part in the White House.
The priests were able to construct a new identity and religion that stressed the sinfulness of the people, and the need for ritual purity and ritual observance and legalism as the road back to God.
This is, I think one, of the best examples of that syncretic view of religion, that basically all worshippers are worshipping the same god.
Poetry, you remember--this is a scientist-- is no more true than religion, but it can perform the function of religion and is therefore capable of saving us.