But for Milton's contemporaries in the seventeenth century, Milton's power really wasn't at all aesthetic or even religious in nature.
Every conceivable Protestant sect was publishing treatises of theological speculation and publishing treatises of religious propaganda at an extraordinary rate.
There's this deep religious tradition that came out of Slave Religion, but there is also a deep anger. -Yes. Yes.
He's covering his head in a traditional religious fashion, so in order to enter this holy place he covers his head.
The metropolis which uproots people, takes them away, takes them out of traditional cultures, also uproots traditional religious belief and practices.
All of these would come together to produce what would be a new political and religious reality called Israel.
Bad handwriting is the nemesis of historians, But he built a private library, and it wasn't just full of religious books.
They were respectful of religious authority but the lessons they took from them is "I should learn to love my neighbor."
Obviously, it's a religious service as well, but it's a genre of music like the symphony or the concerto.
It's not my purpose or intention here to try to argue you out of your religious beliefs or to argue against your religious beliefs.
Because they have so many history behind them ,so much national religious attachment that those things come out so strongly there.
But what if of certain abusive families and any religious background in location who really confine women to their home?
Or has Milton only seemed powerful because of the traditional religious values with which he is so intimately associated?
The religious thing Zooey says is to inhabit that, to honor that, to follow up on the results of that prior desiring.
But Milton was also beginning to develop in this period a much more strict, a much more disciplined religious temperament.
As I've suggested before, his more conservative contemporaries were appalled by the proliferation of religious sects in mid-seventeenth-century England.