It doesn't arbitrarily stop anywhere because rhetoric and grammar remain irreducible. We have to keep thinking of them as being uncooperative with each other.
These women are not free to move around, particularly those who are required by their religious community to remain in their homes and only go outside perhaps with their chaperon.
And the central idea is that there is one proper response to God's mighty acts on behalf of Israel, and that is resolute observance of the book of the Torah of Moses, without intermingling with the peoples that remain.
nd this convergence can never be precisely pinpointed, but must always remain virtual, as is not to be identified either with the reality of the text or with the individual disposition of the reader."
The Law of Inertia says that, "If a body has no forces acting on it, then it will remain at rest if it was at rest to begin with, or if it had a velocity to begin with, it will maintain that velocity."