Now let me remind you that they're going to be grading many of your things, so let's give them another hand.
They remind me of the time when I used to live in Spain.
Let me remind you of that other intrusive moment in the poem, the moment when a figure whose presence we hadn't been aware of suddenly made -suddenly asserted himself.
So, with that said let me hop off the soapbox and remind us of this.
It should remind us of-- at least it reminds me of this joke that you probably told.
Remind me to put that one up, "not voting," you'll have to remind me of these.
Well, let me just remind you of some events that show you how these things work.
You know that you remind me of a very hard working student.
OK. And I'm going to look to see, is a particular element inside of that list, and again, I'll remind you, that's just giving me the integers from zero up to 9999 something or other.
Actually I had thought I was going north when I went to colleges. We're only after I got to saw the Ohio and cross the Ohio River did people remind me that well, it was maybe north of the Ohio River, it was not the northeast.
You remind me of a girl I used to know.
You remind me a lot of home.
In order for the photograph to remind me of Ruth, I have to already have met Ruth.
Let's just... We'll get there, just to remind you, the way we read this is you give me a quantity of Firm 2, I find Firm 1's best response by going across to the pink line and dropping down.
So let me remind you of what's happening. Satan flies out of hell.
If seeing things that participate in the forms remind me of the forms, it's got to be because I've met or been acquainted directly with the forms before.
These photos remind me of the good old days.
These earrings remind me of grandma's earrings.
In order for a more or less round plate to remind me of roundness, Plato says, I have to have already met perfect roundness itself.
In order for a more or less just society to remind me of justice itself, so that I can start thinking about the nature of justice itself, I have to somehow have already been acquainted with perfect justice.
Yeah, this is not a bad time for me to remind you that in one of Plato's dialogues, Socrates says the Greeks sit like frogs around a pond and that pond is the Aegean Sea.
Remind me of" is a really good phrase to use for when you're talking about a memory
当你谈起一段回忆时,“Remind me of” 是一个非常好的句型。
The next pattern is "remind me of."
下一个句型是“remind me of”。
If seeing the photograph of my friend now can remind me of my friend, it's got to be because I met my friend before.
It resembles Ruth well enough to remind me of her, and interestingly, it can do that even if it's not a very good photograph.