if an impure object comes in contact with a holy object, ; then the holy object is immediately defiled; it's immediately rendered impure.
even as Israelis had the kind of security necessary the orphan and the widow, the oppressed, the fatherless, those whose humanity has been rendered invisible.
There are so many South's today that it has rendered this question in some ways almost irrelevant, but, in other ways, of course not.
现在南方有许多的东西,看似和这个问题无关,从某种角度而言甚至是毫不相关,但是,换个角度来说 当然不是这样的
Milton is narrating or representing the process by which they are silenced. They're rendered speechless or dumb, and the poem effects this process in order to give someone else an opportunity to speak.
So it is always the case that I can only know what I know if it's a question of being communicated with, having something rendered intelligible for me, negatively.
It's a late Victorian image of an archaic singer rendered in the melodramatic manner of Pre-Raphaelite art and thoroughly removed from the aesthetic values of modernism, such as naturalism, formal clarity, emotional restraint and so on.
that expresses the will of the majority, the will of the greater number be rendered compatible with the needs of philosophy and the claims to respect ? only reason and a better argument?
They had a concept called hybris, to be translated as something among these terms, excess, arrogance,violence.I think the fullest grasp of it, I think, might be rendered best by violent arrogance.
She's rendered motionless and she's finally unable to speak.