As our understanding is improved and we've been able to build more complicated approaches to replacing function.
So, part of the whole process is the elimination of these these municipal privileges and replacing municipal officials, to make a long story short, with people that they have appointed.
In other words, replacing the shortest distance between two points that we experience in a practical message, "literariness," as the formalists call it, or "poetic language," as they also sometimes call it and as the New Critics certainly call it, slows us down.
One, developing ways to understand how humans work better, how human physiology operates, and second, developing new approaches for replacing function in people when they're sick.
It was implanted into the first patient, a gentleman in Kentucky, and he stayed alive for a period of time with this device replacing his heart.
The red blood cells that carry oxygen only live within your circulation for about a month and so you have to continually be replacing cells that are dying and so there are cells that are proliferating.